2.3.6 Civil society: partner and empower

Many of the world’s key biodiversity areas overlap with the ancestral lands of indigenous groups, while NGOs and community-based organizations manage a good number of protected areas. Most of the Debt-for-Nature swaps were facilitated by NGOs. Despite this active engagement and results, civil society is often and incorrectly overlooked as a key actor in biodiversity finance. Lack of participation is sometime due to a lack of capacity to interact and opportunities to participate. BIOFIN should try to bridge the gaps, where possible.

How to involve civil society?

Policy and Institutional Review Map key organizations at national level.
Biodiversity Expenditure Review Request conservation NGOs to provide expenditure data.
Financial Needs Assessment Share information on planned budgets, involving NGOs/CBOs in capacity development.
Biodiversity Finance Plan Consult key organizations in the development of the finance plan and selected finance solutions.
Finance Solutions Implementation Carefully analyse the interest and perspectives of local communities, indigenous groups, and relevant NGOs in areas where prioritized finance solutions are implemented, empower local organizations and apply safeguards. Countries can consider capacity development for financing CBOs/NGOS as a finance solution.